Risk Policy



Quantic Capital Group LLC (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’), is incorporated under the laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with Registration 2887 LLC 2023 having its registered office at Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Company is authorized as a Limited Liability Company under the provision of Limited Liability Companies Act, Chapter 151 of the Revised Laws of Saint Vincent and Grenadines, 2009  (herein the “Law”). 

The objects of the Company are all subject matters not forbidden by Limited Liability Companies Act, Chapter 151 of the Revised Laws of Saint Vincent and Grenadines, 2009 (herein the “Law”)., in particular but not exclusively all commercial, financial, lending, borrowing, trading, service activities and the participation in other enterprises as well as to provide brokerage, training and managed account services in currencies, commodities, indexes, CFDs and leveraged financial instruments. 

Risk Warnings 

The Client should not engage in any investment directly or indirectly in Financial Instruments unless he knows and understands the risks involved for each one of the Financial Instruments offered by the Company. So, prior to applying for an account the Client should consider carefully whether investing in a specific Financial Instrument is suitable for him in the light of his circumstances and financial resources. 

If the Client does not understand the risks involved he/she should seek advice and consultation from an independent financial advisor. If the Client still does not understand the risks involved in trading in any Financial Instruments, he/she should not trade at all. 

General Risks and Acknowledgements 

The Client is warned of the following risks (not exhaustive): 

The Company does not and cannot guarantee that money deposited in his Client Account for trading will not be lost as a result of his transactions. 

The Client should acknowledge that, regardless of any information which may be offered by the Company, the value of any investment in Financial Instruments may fluctuate downwards or upwards and it is even probable that the investment may become of no value. 

The Client should acknowledge that he runs a great risk of incurring losses and damages as a result of the purchase and/or sale of any Financial Instrument and accepts that he is willing to undertake this risk. 

Information of the previous performance of a Financial Instrument does not guarantee its current and/or future performance. The use of historical data does not constitute a binding or safe forecast as to the corresponding future performance of the Financial Instruments to which the said information refers. 

The Client is hereby advised that the transactions undertaken through the dealing services of the Company may be of a speculative nature. Large losses may occur in a short period of time and may be equal to the total of funds deposited with the Company. 

Some Financial Instruments may not become immediately liquid as a result e.g. of reduced demand and the Client may not be in a position to sell them or easily obtain information on the value of these Financial Instruments or the extent of the associated risks. 

When a Financial Instrument is traded in a currency other than the currency of the Client’s country of residence, any changes in the exchange rates may have a negative effect on its value, price and performance. 

A Financial Instrument on foreign markets may entail risks different to the usual risks of the markets in the Client’s country of residence. In some cases, these risks may be greater. The prospect of profit or loss from transactions on foreign markets is also affected by exchange rate fluctuations. 

A Derivative Financial Instrument (i.e. option, future, forward, swap, contract for difference) may be a non-delivery spot transaction giving an opportunity to make profit on changes in currency rates, commodity, stock market indices or share prices called the underlying instrument. 

The value of the Derivative Financial Instrument may be directly affected by the price of the security or any other underlying asset which is the object of the acquisition. 

The Client must not purchase a Derivative Financial Instrument unless he is willing to undertake the risks of losing entirely all the money which he has invested and also any additional commissions and other expenses incurred. 

Under certain market conditions (for example but not limited to the following situations: force majeure event, technical failure, communications network failure, poor or no liquidity, market news or announcements etc.) it may be difficult or impossible to execute an order. 

Placing Stop Loss Orders serves to limit your losses. However, under certain market conditions the execution of a Stop Loss Order may be worse than its stipulated price and the realized losses can be larger than expected. 

Should the Equity of the Client be insufficient to hold current positions open, the Client may be called upon to deposit additional funds at short notice or reduce exposure. Failure to do so within the time required may result in the liquidation of positions at a loss and he will be liable for any resulting deficit. 

The Client’s attention is expressly drawn to currencies traded so irregularly or infrequently that it cannot be certain that a price will be quoted at all times or that it may be difficult to effect transactions at a price which may be quoted owing to the absence of a counter party. 

Trading on-line, no matter how convenient or efficient, does not necessarily reduce risks associated with currency trading. 

There is a risk that the Client’s trades in Financial Instruments may be or become 

subject to tax and/or any other duty for example because of changes in legislation or his personal circumstances. The Company does not warrant that no tax and/or any other stamp duty will be payable. The Client should be responsible for any taxes and/or any other duty which may accrue in respect of his trades. 

Before the Client begins to trade, he should obtain details of all commissions and other charges for which the Client will be liable. If any charges are not expressed in money terms (but for example as a dealing spread), the Client should ask for a written explanation, including appropriate examples, to establish what such charges are likely to mean in specific money terms. 

The Company will not provide the Client with investment advice relating to investments or possible transactions in investments or make investment recommendations of any kind. 

There may be situations, movements and/or conditions occurring at the weekend, at the beginning of the week or intra-day after the release of significant macroeconomic figures, economic or political news that make currency markets to open with price levels that substantially differ from previous prices. In this case, there exists a significant risk that orders issued to protect open positions and open new positions may be executed at prices significantly different from those designated. 

Third Party Risks 

The Company may be required to hold your money in an account that is segregated from other Clients and the Company’s money in accordance with current regulations, but this may not afford complete protection. 

The Company may pass money received from the Client to a third party (e.g. a bank) to hold or control in order to effect a Transaction through or with that person or to satisfy the Client’s obligation to provide collateral (e.g. initial margin requirement) in respect of a Transaction. The Company has no responsibility for any acts or omissions of any third party to whom it will pass money received from the Client. 

The third party to whom the Company will pass money may hold it in an omnibus account and it may not be possible to separate it from the Client’s money, or the third party’s money. In the event of the insolvency or any other analogous proceedings in relation to that third party, the Company may only have an unsecured claim against the third party on behalf of the Client, and the Client will be exposed to the risk that the money received by the Company from the third party is insufficient to satisfy the claims of the Client with claims in respect of the relevant account. The Company does not accept any liability or responsibility for any resulting losses. 

A Company or Bank or Broker through whom the Company may deal with could have interests contrary to the Client’s interests. 

The insolvency of the Company or of a Bank or Broker used by the Company to effect its transactions may lead to the Client’s positions being closed out against your wishes. 

Trading Platform Risks 

Clients, who undertake transactions on an electronic trading system, will be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software (Internet/Servers). The result of any system failure may be that an order is either not executed according to the instructions provided for it, or is not executed at all. The Company does not accept any liability in the case of such a failure. The use of wireless connections or dial-up connections, or any other form of unstable connection at the client’s end, may result in poor or interrupted connectivity or lack of signal strength causing delays in the transmission of data between the client and Company, when using the Company’s Electronic Trading Platform. Such delays or disturbances may result in the client sending to the Company out of date ‘Market Orders’. In these circumstances, the Company will update the price and execute the order at the best available ‘market price’. 

The Client acknowledges that only one Instruction is allowed to be in the queue at one time. Once the Client has sent an Instruction, any further Instructions sent by the Client are ignored and the “orders is locked” message appears until the first Instruction is executed. 

The Client acknowledges that the only reliable source of Quotes Flow information is that of the live Server’s Quotes Base. Quotes Base in the Client Terminal is not a reliable source of Quotes Flow information because the connection between the Client Terminal and the Server may be disrupted at some point and some of the Quotes simply may not reach the Client Terminal. 

The Client acknowledges that when an Order is closed or being executed, it may not be cancelled or modified. 

The Client may lose all amounts he has deposited with the Company as margin. The placing of certain orders available on the Trading Platform (e.g. “stop-loss” or “limit” orders) that are intended to limit losses to certain amounts may not always be effective because market conditions or technological limitations may make it impossible to execute such orders. Please also note that for all orders (including guaranteed stop loss orders) you may sustain the loss (which your order is intended to limit) in a short period of time. In other cases the execution of a Stop Loss orders may be worse than its stipulated price and the realized losses can be larger than expected. 

Technical Risks 

The Client and not the Company shall be responsible for the risks of financial losses caused by failure, malfunction, interruption, disconnection or malicious actions of information, communication, electricity, electronic or other systems. 

The Company has no responsibility if authorized third persons have access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, access data when the above are transmitted between the Company or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, telephone, or any other electronic means. 

The Client acknowledges that the unencrypted information transmitted by e-mail is not protected from any unauthorized access. 

At times of excessive deal flow the Client may have some difficulties to be connected over the phone or the Company’s trading platform(s)/system(s), especially in fast Market (for example, when key macroeconomic indicators are released). 

The Client acknowledges that the internet may be subject to events which may affect his access to the Company’s website and/or the Company’s trading platform(s)/system(s), including but not limited to interruptions or transmission blackouts, software and hardware failure, internet disconnection, public electricity network failures or hacker attacks. The Company is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from such events which are beyond its control or for any other losses, costs, liabilities, or expenses (including, without limitation, loss of profit) which may result from the Client’s inability to access the Company’s Website and/or Trading System or delay or failure in sending orders or Transactions. 

The Client is warned that when trading in an electronic platform he assumes risk of financial loss which may be a consequence of amongst other things: 

Failure of Client’s devices, software and poor quality of connection. 

The Company’s or Client’s hardware or software failure, malfunction or misuse. 

Improper work of Client’s equipment. 

Wrong setting of Client’s Terminal. 

Delayed updates of Client’s Terminal. 

In connection with the use of computer equipment and data and voice communication networks, the Client bears the following risks amongst other risks in which cases the Company has no liability of any resulting loss: 

Power cut of the equipment on the side of the Client or the provider, or communication operator (including voice communication) that serves the Client. 

Physical damage (or destruction) of the communication channels used to link the Client and provider (communication operator), provider, and the trading or information server of the Client. 

Outage (unacceptably low quality) of communication via the channels used by the Client, or the channels used by the provider, or communication operator (including voice communication) that are used by the Client. 

Wrong or inconsistent with requirements settings of the Client Terminal. 

Untimely update of the Client Terminal. 

When carrying out transactions via the telephone (land or cell phone lines) voice communication, the Client runs the risk of problematic dialing, when trying to reach an employee of the broker service department of the Company due to communication quality issues and communication channel loads. 

The use of communication channels, hardware and software, generate the risk of non- reception of a message (including text messages) by the Client from the Company. 

Trading over the phone might be impeded by overload of connection. 

Malfunction or non-operability of the trading system (platform), which also includes the Client Terminal. 

Outage (unacceptably low quality) of communication via the channels used by the Company, in particular physical damage (destruction) of the communication channels by third parties. 

Risks Particularly Associated with Transactions in Financial Instruments 

Investing in some Financial Instruments entails the use of “gearing” or “leverage”. In considering whether to engage in this form of investment, the Client should be aware that the high degree of “gearing” or “leverage” is a particular feature of Derivative Financial Instruments. This stems from the margining system applicable to such trades, which generally involves a comparatively modest deposit or margin in terms of the overall contract value, so that a relatively small movement in the underlying market can have a disproportionately dramatic effect on the Client’s trade. If the underlying market movement is in the Client’s favor, the client may achieve a good profit, but an equally small adverse market movement can not only quickly result in the loss of the Clients’ entire deposit, but may also expose the Client to a large additional loss. In regard to transactions in derivative Financial Instruments, a derivative Financial Instrument is a non-deliverable spot transaction giving an opportunity to make profit or loss on changes in currency rates, commodity, stock market indices or share prices called the underlying instrument. The Client must not purchase derivative Financial Instrument unless he is willing to undertake the risks of losing entirely all the money which he has invested and also any additional commissions and other expenses incurred. 

Transactions may not be undertaken on a recognized or designated investment exchange and, accordingly, they may expose the Client to greater risks than exchange transactions. The terms and conditions and trading rules may be established solely by the Company. The Client may only be able to close an open position of any given contract during the opening hours of the Company. The Client may also have to close any position with the same counterparty with whom it was originally entered into. In regard to transactions in Financial Instruments with the Company, the Company is using a Trading Platform for transactions in Financial Instruments which does not fall into the definition of a recognized exchange or a Multilateral Trading Facility. 

This notice cannot and does not disclose or explain all of the risks and other significant aspects involved in dealing in all Financial Instrument and investment services. This notice was designed to explain in general terms the nature of the risks involved when dealing in Financial Instruments on a fair and non-misleading basis. 

Please refer to the Risk Disclosure for Financial Instruments available at the Company’s website if you are considering trading with the Company in derivative Financial Instruments. 


High Leverage and low Margin can result in significant losses due to small price fluctuations in the traded products. High Leverage allows the Customer to assume more risk, magnifying both losses and profits; which can result in loss up to and in excess of Deposits and Margin. The Customer must consider that if the trend on the market is against him/her the Customer may sustain a total loss of the initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited to maintain open positions. The Customer is responsible for all his/her risks, financial resources he/she uses and for the chosen trading strategy. 

Foreign Exchange and any other Over-the-Counter (“OTC”) derivative product (Traded Contracts) trading is highly speculative and is only suitable for Customers who understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal and other risks involved, and are financially able to assume losses up to or in excess of Margin or Deposits. The customer hereby certifies that the Customer understands these risks and that the Customer is willing and able financially and otherwise to assume the risks of Traded Contracts Trading and that loss of the Customer’s entire Trading Account Balance will not result in a negative change to the Customer’s life-style. Opening an Trading Account in order to speculate or assume risk of any sort on Traded Contracts and other products through the OvertheCounter (“OTC”) market provided by “QCG LLC” on a ”Spot” basis means assumptions of the following risks: 

Quotes and Margin 

Quotes and Margins are set by QCG LLC and may differ from other firms. QCG LLC will exercise discretion in setting and collecting Margin. QCG LLC is authorized to convert funds in the Customer’s Trading Account for Margin into and from such foreign currency at a rate of exchange determined by QCG LLC in its sole discretion on the basis of thenprevailing money market rates. The Customer must maintain the minimum Margin Level requirement on Customer’s Open Positions at all times. The Customer assumes the responsibility to monitor the Customer’s Required Margin. QCG LLC has the right to liquidate any or all Open Positions whenever the minimum Margin requirement is not maintained. To avoid a Margin Call it is highly recommended to maintain a Margin Level of 1000% or greater. 

Risk Reduction 

Stop Loss Orders or Stop Limit Orders, which are intended to limit losses may reduce the losses incurred by price fluctuations, however such orders may not be able to execute under certain abnormal market conditions. 

Product Risks 

The profit and loss in any given Transaction may be affected by a currency rate that is used to convert to the Accounts base currency. Accounts shall be opened in the following currencies: USD/EUR as stated by the Customer and accepted by QCG LLC. 


The Customer is responsible for any technical issues sustained on the Customer’s side. 

These issues include but are not limited to: 

Failure of Customer’s hardware, software or internet connection; 

Improper operation of Customer equipment 

Improper settings on the Customer’s Terminal 

Delay of Customer Terminal updates 

MetaTrader Failure on Customer’s Computer 

The Customer acknowledged that at the moment of peak load there may be some difficulties in getting telephone communication with the duty operator, especially on the fast market (for example, when key economic indicators are released). 


The Customer acknowledged that once a Transmission is made from the Client Terminal and enters the execution queue and begins being processed it cannot be cancelled. Any other instruction pertaining to the Transmission will be ignored until the Transmission is completed. The customer should always verify thoroughly that the details of Volume, Product and Price Level prior to submitting any Transaction. All Transactions are performed on a First-In-First-Out basis. 

Trading Agents 

In the event that the Customer grants trading authority to a third party, the “Trading Agent”, whether on a discretionary or nondiscretionary basis, QCG LLC shall in no way be responsible for reviewing the Customer’s choice of such Trading Agent. QCG LLC is in no way liable for any losses incurred by such a party and any disputes that may arise will be resolved between Customer and Trading Agent. In case of an unnamed Trading Agent on the Customer’s Account, QCG LLC is not liable for rejecting any instruction from a non-authorized party on the Customer’s Trading Account. 

Phone Communication 

The Customer understands that during peak trading hours that the Customer may experience some difficulties in contacting QCG LLC due to high volume. QCG LLC cannot be held liable for any disruptions in service due to any Force majeure. 

Human Errors 

The Customer understands that any error that is made by an QCG LLC employee that results in any position opened at an “untraded” price cannot be honored and will subsequently be deleted. 


In case of Bankruptcy creditors retain priority. All transactions entered into with QCG LLC by the Customer are not traded on an exchange. Therefore under the regulating code of law, the Customer’s funds may not receive the same protections as funds used to guarantee exchange-traded futures or options contracts. If the company becomes insolvent, the Customer’s claim for deposits and profits may not receive priority. The customer is a general creditor and will be paid as such from any monies still available after priority claims are paid. 

Force Majeure 

In case of Force Majeure the Customer shall accept the risk of financial losses. 

Comisiones por operaciones

La comisión por operaciones es un gasto que incurre cada inversor al realizar transacciones en los mercados financieros. Este costo se origina al abrir y cerrar posiciones en dichos mercados.

El monto de esta comisión varía según el tipo de cuenta que posea cada inversor, y del total de ingresos que el broker obtiene a través de estas comisiones, el 50% se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo el 25% está activo para todos los IB.


Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%
CRIPTO 0,11% Del Vol. Operado 0,11% Del Vol. Operado
ACCIONES 0,10% Del Vol. Operado 0,07% Del Vol. Operado

Comisiones por administración

La comisión por administración es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, que en este caso es el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios profesionales recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 5% sobre el capital cargado de de nuestros portafolios profesionales, y de este porcentaje, el 50% de la comisión por administración se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo, el 25% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%

* Las comisiones generadas por administracion UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios profesionales de los inversionistas personales del IB hasta su 5to nivel.

Comisiones por rendimiento

La comisión por rendimientos es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, en este caso, el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios algorítmicos recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 30% de los rendimientos mensuales de nuestros portafolios algorítmicos, y de este porcentaje, el 50%, es decir, el 15%, se destina al programa comercial dirigido a los Master IB, sin embargo el 7.5% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Master IB % Comisión IB
1 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
2 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
3 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
4 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
5 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento

* Las comisiones generadas por rendimiento UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios algoritmicos activos de los inversionistas personales del IB

Pool Comercial Global

Hemos creado un programa comercial global diseñado para brindar beneficios especiales a nuestros agentes independientes (IB).

Este programa ofrece un bono mensual que reparte el 5% de las ganancias totales de nuestra empresa a aquellos comerciales independientes (IB) que cumplan ciertas condiciones en su cartera de clientes y sus portafolios personales.

Con esto, proporcionamos a los agentes independientes comprometidos la oportunidad de acceder a importantes beneficios económicos y crecer junto a nosotros.