Associate Program – IBs (Introducing Brokers)

Receive trading commissions for all the operations and the returns generated by your Traders or Investors, and take part in QCG’s global profits.

IB Program, Benefit from Your Traders and Investors

Get trading commissions for all operations and returns obtained from the operations of your Traders or Investors, and participate in a share of QCG’s global profits.

Commission for Trades

We distribute up to 50% of the commissions generated by the traders and investors you bring to trade with QCG.

Management fee

We share up to 50% of the management fees from professional portfolio management.

Performance fee

We distribute up to 50% of the performance fees from algorithmic portfolios.

Global Trade Pool

As a Global Trade Pool Affiliate of QCG, earn profits from global sales month after month.

Commissions for Trades

At QCG, we offer 3 account styles for traders and investors: Standard, VIP, or Cryptotrader.
Join as an IB and get immediate benefits of up to 50% of the commissions charged by QCG on each standard lot* traded by your direct Traders or Investors.

Focused on work. Stock trader is in the office with exchange technology
Focused on work. Stock trader is in the office with exchange technology

Management Fees

As an IB, you can recommend our Professional Portfolios and benefit from up to 50% of the management fees for the portfolios.
All commissions charged on our Professional Portfolios distribute performance to the IB**, although they do not distribute fees for their returns.

Performance Fees

As an IB, you can recommend our Algorithmic Portfolios and benefit from 50% of your investors’ income every month.
All trades made on our Algorithmic Portfolios distribute performance to the IB**, although they do not distribute commissions charged.

Focused on work. Stock trader is in the office with exchange technology
Focused on work. Stock trader is in the office with exchange technology

Global Trade Pool

We form a pool that consists of 2 different sources of income:

  1. 5% of all commissions charged to Investors and Traders.
  2. 1% of the performance of investors using algorithmic portfolios.

As an IB, you have the opportunity to participate in this GLOBAL Pool month after month and increase your share through your personal trading activity.
For every USD 10,000 your referrals fund, you earn a share in the Trade Pool, provided they make at least one monthly trade.

IBs Application Form

Podrás encontrarlo en la sección Perfil, en una vez inicias sesión con tu cuenta.

Requirements to Become an IB and Stay Active

To Become an IB

  • Complete the IB Application Form.
  • Take the Financial Advisor Certification.

To Stay Active as an IB

  • Have a minimum funded and active capital of USD 1,000
  • Complete a minimum of 1 standard lot of trading per month.
  • Have at least USD 10,000 worth of referred investors, traders, or direct IBs.
* The value of the standard lot varies depending on the asset the trader is trading. ** Performance commissions are ONLY generated by the active algorithmic portfolios of the IB’s personal investors. *** The numbers displayed on this website are illustrative. As an IB, there is no limit to the number of direct IBs you can have. It works the same way at all levels. The income and earnings expressed here do not constitute a guarantee of future profits. **** The examples presented here are purely illustrative values of what can happen under the stated conditions. Monthly calculations are reset, and values can be higher or lower depending on the capital in the commercial pool.

Comisiones por operaciones

La comisión por operaciones es un gasto que incurre cada inversor al realizar transacciones en los mercados financieros. Este costo se origina al abrir y cerrar posiciones en dichos mercados.

El monto de esta comisión varía según el tipo de cuenta que posea cada inversor, y del total de ingresos que el broker obtiene a través de estas comisiones, el 50% se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo el 25% está activo para todos los IB.


Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%
CRIPTO 0,11% Del Vol. Operado 0,11% Del Vol. Operado
ACCIONES 0,10% Del Vol. Operado 0,07% Del Vol. Operado

Comisiones por administración

La comisión por administración es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, que en este caso es el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios profesionales recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 5% sobre el capital cargado de de nuestros portafolios profesionales, y de este porcentaje, el 50% de la comisión por administración se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo, el 25% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%

* Las comisiones generadas por administracion UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios profesionales de los inversionistas personales del IB hasta su 5to nivel.

Comisiones por rendimiento

La comisión por rendimientos es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, en este caso, el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios algorítmicos recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 30% de los rendimientos mensuales de nuestros portafolios algorítmicos, y de este porcentaje, el 50%, es decir, el 15%, se destina al programa comercial dirigido a los Master IB, sin embargo el 7.5% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Master IB % Comisión IB
1 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
2 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
3 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
4 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
5 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento

* Las comisiones generadas por rendimiento UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios algoritmicos activos de los inversionistas personales del IB

Pool Comercial Global

Hemos creado un programa comercial global diseñado para brindar beneficios especiales a nuestros agentes independientes (IB).

Este programa ofrece un bono mensual que reparte el 5% de las ganancias totales de nuestra empresa a aquellos comerciales independientes (IB) que cumplan ciertas condiciones en su cartera de clientes y sus portafolios personales.

Con esto, proporcionamos a los agentes independientes comprometidos la oportunidad de acceder a importantes beneficios económicos y crecer junto a nosotros.