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cTrader Programming

The cTrader trading platform provides an incredible opportunity for traders and developers to automate strategies and enhance their trading experience. cTrader programming allows for the creation of custom indicators, trading algorithms, and automated systems that can efficiently and accurately operate in financial markets.

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cTrader is a trading platform designed to streamline operations in the financial markets. Developed by Spotware, cTrader is particularly renowned for its focus on the Forex market (foreign exchange), although it also enables trading with other financial instruments such as stocks, indices, and commodities.

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What is Object-Oriented Programming?

Objective: The aim is for the user to understand the advantages of Object-Oriented Programming.

Types of Variables

Objective: Beyond explaining types of variables (int, double, bool, string), the goal is to emphasize global, specific, public, and private variable types.


Objective: The aim is to explain how a code is structured and what is expected to be accomplished in each segment of the code.

Types of Functions

Objective: To explain what functions are and their purposes (default and custom).

Indicators vs. Trading Bots

Objective: To explain the differences between an indicator as a plotting tool and a trading bot as a tool for automated decision-making.


Objective: Explain what type of filters and/or logical controls are applied to validate the functionality of the bot.

Your First CBOT

Class and Function Invocation

Objective: The goal is for the user to understand what classes are and their uses in programming.

Use of Indicators

Objective: To explain how indicators are used within a Cbot, what types of logical combinations can be used (greater, lesser, equal, etc.), use of crossovers, matrices, and vectors.

Types of Operations

Objective: To explain what types of operations exist (Buy, Sell) and what types of execution can be used with their differences (Market, Pending, Stop, and Limit).

Monetary Management

Objective: To explain to the user the importance of good risk management practices through the proper use of Stop Loss (SL), Take Profit (TP) (various calculation methods), as well as emergency exits such as stopout, overall profit, breakeven, and trailing stop.

Closing of Operations

Objective: Explain the various ways to close operations (TP, SL, and Technical Closures)

Take your CBOT to the next level.

Data Quality

Objective: to explain what data is, what types of data are studied, and its importance.

Combinatorial Optimization

Objective: To explain what it is, how it works, and what its purpose is.

Parameters and Statistics

Objective: Explain the evaluation metrics of a report and applicable filters when assessing previously optimized models.

Robustness Test and Data Handling

Objective: To explain what backtesting is, what in-sample and out-of-sample are, and their importance within the tests.

Weekly video about the development of an automated trading strategy

Objective: To periodically provide educational content about programming bots in Ctrader.

Comisiones por operaciones

La comisión por operaciones es un gasto que incurre cada inversor al realizar transacciones en los mercados financieros. Este costo se origina al abrir y cerrar posiciones en dichos mercados.

El monto de esta comisión varía según el tipo de cuenta que posea cada inversor, y del total de ingresos que el broker obtiene a través de estas comisiones, el 50% se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo el 25% está activo para todos los IB.


Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%
CRIPTO 0,11% Del Vol. Operado 0,11% Del Vol. Operado
ACCIONES 0,10% Del Vol. Operado 0,07% Del Vol. Operado

Comisiones por administración

La comisión por administración es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, que en este caso es el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios profesionales recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 5% sobre el capital cargado de de nuestros portafolios profesionales, y de este porcentaje, el 50% de la comisión por administración se destina al programa comercial Master IB, sin embargo, el 25% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Distribuido Master IB % Comisión Distribuido IB
1 10% 5%
2 10% 5%
3 10% 5%
4 10% 5%
5 10% 5%

* Las comisiones generadas por administracion UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios profesionales de los inversionistas personales del IB hasta su 5to nivel.

Comisiones por rendimiento

La comisión por rendimientos es un cargo que nuestro bróker aplica en beneficio del gestor operativo, en este caso, el fondo de cobertura SMART CONTRACTS CA LLC, en nuestros portafolios algorítmicos recomendados.

Esta comisión representa el 30% de los rendimientos mensuales de nuestros portafolios algorítmicos, y de este porcentaje, el 50%, es decir, el 15%, se destina al programa comercial dirigido a los Master IB, sin embargo el 7.5% está activo para todos los IB.

Niveles % Comisión Master IB % Comisión IB
1 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
2 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
3 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
4 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento
5 3% del Rendimiento 1,5% del Rendimiento

* Las comisiones generadas por rendimiento UNICAMENTE se generan por los portafolios algoritmicos activos de los inversionistas personales del IB

Pool Comercial Global

Hemos creado un programa comercial global diseñado para brindar beneficios especiales a nuestros agentes independientes (IB).

Este programa ofrece un bono mensual que reparte el 5% de las ganancias totales de nuestra empresa a aquellos comerciales independientes (IB) que cumplan ciertas condiciones en su cartera de clientes y sus portafolios personales.

Con esto, proporcionamos a los agentes independientes comprometidos la oportunidad de acceder a importantes beneficios económicos y crecer junto a nosotros.