Algorithmic Portfolios
Discover our exclusive portfolios that bring you the financial benefits of the top technological developments from our allied hedge fund in the United States.
Do you want to dive into the exciting world of trading with the best in hand?
At QCG, we understand that transparency and expertise in trading are crucial to gaining the trust of our traders and investors. That’s why we have the backing of experienced professionals in various fields, including conventional, algorithmic, and quantitative trading, like Smart Contracts CA in the United States.
Smart Contracts CA is a recognized firm known for its focus on algorithmic and quantitative trading, using sophisticated methods to maximize profitability and reduce risk across different financial markets and instruments. The expertise of Smart Contracts is a valuable asset for our traders and investors at QCG, as they can follow metrics and technologies provided by experts in the field.
We firmly believe that by having specialized professionals in this area, we enable more people to benefit from the vast market automatically while always having control and resources at their disposal.
Join QCG today and experience the peace of mind of trading with the support of experts while taking advantage of all the opportunities the market has to offer with our specialized algorithmic portfolios.

Key Features

Minimum Capital
USD 1,000

Maximum Capital
USD 1,000,000

Manager's Commission

Capital Withdrawal

Profit Withdrawal

Income Range
HR Portfolios: Only for Bold Investors
Are you one to go all-in in life? Do you dare to challenge the financial status quo? Our high-risk (HR) algorithmic portfolios are the bold choice for those who go all-in in life. Immerse yourself in a weekly return on investment that reaches an incredible 15%, backed by our commitment to a maximum drawdown of 50%. Operating with a 100% risk, these portfolios elevate the excitement and profit possibilities to new heights. Get ready for a unique financial journey with these QCG HR Portfolios.
Warning in Operations
Portfolios may be recalibrated, and assets may be added or changed with the approval of our technology provider, always in pursuit of improvement and greater profitability. We reserve the right to make modifications when deemed appropriate to achieve better fund management and increased profitability